M.Sc., B.Ed.
We are a happy school, because happy children learn better than unhappy ones. We are, as one parent described us, “the school that children run to in the mornings”. The warmth of this school is apparent the moment you walk through the doors, as is the energy. Our classrooms are seldom quiet, because they are filled with activity as children (and teachers) actively learn with enthusiasm. The engagement of the children is obvious; learning is a joyful experience which is energetically pursued.
I welcome you, with these thoughts that we as parents and teachers, need to look at the potentials, within our children and not try to make them become one like us. I welcome you with the thought that God’s seed is in them and expression of that Divinity, from inside of them, discovering that secret power from within them, is education, is parenting and is schooling.
For us, not to concentrate, on what they are not but what they can be. Welcome them in to the world of potentiality, best spiritual heritage of the world and of this country India.
Dear parents, teachers, mentors, facilitators and guides, let us jointly teach our children to dream fearlessly and dream 'BIG', until their dreams become their reality.
As parents, we want our children to be successful and more successful than ourselves. Success, we often count in terms of material gains such as money cars, houses and a good bank balance. Western world has realized now that success is not having abundance of material possessions. That success is not simply possessing abundance of the material world, but is to be measured in many non-material ways as well. Peace, happiness, being loved and having someone to love as well are pointers to happiness. Success is often not known to others is the capacity to be able to be able to give to others.
The golden rule, as given in Upanishad is, "If you want to get something, give it first". I am delighted to see that our children as Victorious Kidss, are well guided by you as parents and have really big hearts.
I welcome you to this world of abundance, where in giving, we receive the abundance of this Universe, where there is no shortage, in the future world for our children.
K. D. Chaudhari Patil English Medium School is an educational institution established for the students to blossom their talents, dreams and aspiration. It emphasizes on all-round and balanced education based on sound intellectual, physical, moral and social formation. Excellence is not only found in our classroom but also through our extracurricular activities. Special stress has been laid on the personality development. The aim of our institution is to make students intellectual, Patriotic, law abiding and constantly seeking excellence. The motto of school is "Creation of ambition mind" so whatever students will learn from this institution will enable them to stand in good stead in every situation. Knowledge earned by the students will guide and empower them to face competitive world successfully. Our school is ready willing and dedicated to provide a quality education with high expectation for learning in safe and fun environment. Thank you for your interest in C.P.E.M.S. I wish everyone my best wishes in this endevour!
Our children learn together, because research teaches us that a collaborative environment is the most fertile one for learning to grow. We are a happy, learning community, flourishing in an extraordinary facility which is unique.
Our facilities and resources are outstanding because we believe children are very important. Our teachers are skilled and dedicated because they understand how important children are. At KDCPEMS, we do more than produce great results – we produce great people.
Welcome to this world of abundance, where there is no shortage for any one.
Come and join us, join the adventure!
Prof. K.D. Chaudhari